Angela Ring
Chief Executive Officer
Angela is CEO of Bartra Healthcare with overall responsibility for the integration, management, and development of the Bartra Healthcare portfolio. Angela is a highly skilled healthcare professional who is passionate about continuously reviewing and driving quality and efficiency in our nursing homes. She is responsible for implementing robust systems of corporate and clinical governance to ensure safe and high-quality services are provided to our residents.
Her background includes working as an inspector and Regional manager with the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) for over 10 years where she was responsible for leading a team to monitor and regulate residential services for older people and persons with a disability. She also worked in KPMG where she designed and developed a system of clinical due diligence in residential centres for older people for providers, owners and potential investors.
This included a review of governance, risk and clinical issues against best practice regulations and standards. She has several relevant qualifications including a MSc in Gerontology, Dementia, regulatory investigations and a H Dip in Management and Finance.
Email: aring@bartrahealthcare.ie
Email: aring@bartrahealthcare.ie