Fair Deal Scheme by HSE
There is a financial support scheme available from the government for the cost of nursing home care. This scheme is called the Nursing Home Support Scheme, but it is better known as “The Fair Deal”.

If you wish to avail of this scheme you need to apply for the Fair Deal as soon as possible and you must be approved under the scheme before you can receive any funding. Because funding is only available from the date of approval, and cannot be backdated to the date of admission to a nursing home, it makes sense to apply for the Fair Deal early, perhaps even when you are just thinking about a nursing home as being an option.
Being approved under the Fair Deal scheme does not mean that you have to take up a place in a nursing home. It is recommended that you look at different nursing homes before choosing one. At Bartra Healthcare we are happy to meet with you to discuss our services and facilities. We are confident that you will agree that what Bartra has to offer is second to none.

4 Step Process
Complete an application form. This form can be accessed here or downloaded from the HSE website. You may need some assistance with completing this form. A financial adviser may be able to help. Please contact us if you are having any difficulty.
Following receipt of your completed application form, the HSE will arrange a Care Needs Assessment in order to establish your need for nursing home care.
Based on the information that you include in your application form about your income and assets, the HSE will calculate how much you will pay towards the cost of your nursing home care. This amount remains the same regardless of which nursing home you decide to go to provided that the nursing home is registered under the scheme. All Bartra Healthcare homes are registered with the HSE for the Fair Deal Scheme.
If you feel that the amount calculated by the HSE as being your contribution to the cost of care is unaffordable, then there is an option to apply for a nursing home loan under the scheme. Applying for this loan is OPTIONAL and it is available to anyone who owns property in Ireland. The loan can be applied for as part of your overall Fair Deal application. You do NOT have to accept the loan if you are approved for it.
Most of your queries and questions about the Fair Deal Scheme should be answered in the “Nursing Home Support Scheme – Information Booklet”. The Citizen’s Information website is also a good source of information about the Fair Deal Scheme.
If, however, you have any outstanding questions or worries about the Fair Deal Scheme, please do not hesitate to contact us at Bartra Healthcare and we will be delighted to assist you where we can.